Thursday, 15 August 2013

Marriage is a big deal!

It's a BIG deal! Not like a minor big deal but a major big deal! Marriage is a BIG deal!

Okay, now that I have gotten that point accross, we can continue with the rest of this post. So I'm in the car with le boo driving to our pre marital counselling session cos marriage is a big deal.

So many things are running through my mind right now as I stare at my fine h2b (hubby to be). A wedding is just a day but it is a day that I tell the whole world that no matter what, B is the one forever! No, that doesn't scare me at all! I look forward to us growing together and learning together and turning old, wrinkled and grey!

But we all know that will require a lot of work and a whole lot of love. If I'm taking that road with B, its not cos he does no wrong but its cos I have chosen to stay for the many things he does right instead of leave for the few things he does wrong!

Ok, I'm getting emotional here but honestly B is a blessing! A blessing I am glad came my way and I'm going to cherish forever. My dad in law to be was telling me how B always was a quiet kid... Kikiki humour me! Dude is no where near quiet now but I have a gentleman for real. Have I told you he opens doors? That is what kills me kraaaaaa

Anyway, before I digress, we were on the point where marriage was a big deal and because it is, you gotta prepare well by going for counselling and getting to see different sides of your partner.

By the way, B has been gone for 3 weeks. Meaning, in three weeks my two eyes no see him. I really missed him, in a really miss him kind of way.He is back with his jokes and teasings.... My bestfriend is back! Lol

Anyway, whilst I was babbling away, we got to our destination! Later!

Mrs N in the making

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