Thursday, 13 November 2014

Have you considered?

Have you ever paused to consider who you are in God's eyes? I have and I came to the conclusion that,  I agree with the bible, "I am the apple of God's eye"

With this is mind, I have considered how He created me. He created me in His image. An image of perfection.  I look amazingly at what my body can do and I notice the intricate details with which He made me

We love because He first loved us. Yesterday marked six years since I got to know Christ and it seems like I never lived before those six years.  Everything I know now was learnt at the foot of the Cross.  I learnt to love by loving those who seemed impossible to love.  I learnt to give by giving myself to others. I learnt by being a Christian.

God did not just create me, He cares for me. I have a favourite saying which I say whenever life seems to overwhelm me. "His love in times past forbids me to think He will leave me at last in trouble to sink". The bible also asks "Can a woman's tender care cease towards the child she bares". I used to not get this till I had the divine revelation.  A mother will die for her unborn child, how much more the born one? GOD CARES FOR US THIS WAY AND MORE.

God protects us. In our going in and our coming out. Just like a mother will protect her children by making sure they are well catered for, God does that and more. Awesome.

I struggled with this for years. Severally the devil told me God had had enough of forgiving me. I believed it! Then God himself gave me a divine revelation of motherhood. To think an earthly mother forgives her child severally in a day cos that is her child. HOW MUCH MORE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER?

Now to the tough question,  Are we ready to replicate the nature of God to our neighbours?  The goal is to be Christlike in all our ways. Choosing to love others as we are loved is a great place to start

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