IMy dear KO,
Today is the eve of our first wedding anniversary and I am lying on the couch looking through our wedding pictures on my laptop and I am smiling. I don't think I have laughed so happily like I did on our wedding day. Thanks so much for giving me that beautiful day. The memory will always make me smile.
A year ago today, I was anxiously waiting for time to fly so I could be your wife and start life by your side. A year later, I am lying here trying to remember the exact moment life gave me this beautiful gift. YOU!!!! And I realise it doesn't matter anyway, your presence healed a heart that was frozen to the idea of love. Thanks for proving to me each day that love is a beautiful thing. Not that maybe, could this be it kind. THANKS FOR SHOWING ME TRUE LOVE LIKE I NEVER KNEW!!
"I may not be the first person to fall in love with you but I !m your perfect last". On our wedding day, with these exact words, you swore your life to me forever.
I can't believe we are no longer the newly weds, we are now just an old married couple and that makes me smile. The past year is easily the best year of my life because you were there with me even when distance was between us, you lived in my heart daily.
B; I love being maried to you. I love waking up to your handsome (snoring) face each day, I love falling asleep beside you each
night, I love bugging you with my plenty talks, I love it when you try getting me to sit still (and fail). I love being myself around you, I love knowing you are just you around me.
I love your eyes, your smile, the serious look you have during soccer match, your too known things when you finally get the chance to teach me something new. I love hearing you laugh when I am seriously telling you about my drama. I love your hugs and your kisses.
A year down the line, God definitely thought of me when he made you. Thank you for being my best friend, Thank you for being my rock, Thank you for being my prayer partner, Thank you for dragging me to church on Sundays, Thank you for being my biggest fan and most constant support, Thank you for being the head of our family, Thank you for always making
sure I am spoilt and putting up with my princess days.
B, on our first wedding anniversary, I just want you to know, you are amazing with a heart of gold. To the world, you are just Capt N, to me, you are my one simple reason for ever believing in true love, in happily ever afters, you are my fairy tale which came true. You are most annoying, irritating human being God ever created but I wouldn't have you any other way cos you are My annoying, irritating person!!!! MY PERSONAL PERSON. The one who placed gold on my finger and gave me love like I never knew. You are the herald of our future and the father of our legacy. I love you, always have (probably from our first hello) and always will....
The best decision I ever took was marrying you "my perfect last" and I can't wait till we are old and grey and wrinkled
and toothless and sipping on light soup. The grandkids will definitely be calling you "old soldier" then but you will remain,
the hero I love.