Thursday, 14 March 2013

Why RLG isn't proudly ours!

I have been reading what you all have been saying about the RLG-Chris Brown saga and deliberately kept quiet about this whole issue because the issue of RLG is bigger that which girl friend beating artist they decide to dash 1 million dollars to teach us how to smoke weed.

For starters, yup I agree that the idea of a totally Ghanaian owned IT assembling firm (key word here being assembling) firm is exciting and the success of this company in the last year is enough to make any entrepreneur green with envy. But guys, tell me, which entrepreneur will fail if the government decides to buy his products and share it to the populace?
No one!!

I recently read about the launch of RLG's hope city with glee in my eyes. The architecture is lovely... Geez! I wondered which architectural firm was the genius brain behind it. Imagine my surprise when I read about OBR- a proudly Italian firm being the brain behind the architectural wonder for RLG a proudly Ghanaian firm.

Oh that is the last straw breaking this camel's back. RLG has and will never be proudly ours and for that matter, I refuse to buy any of their products.

It's just a company owned by a man who has managed to make money through the government but does not believe any good thing can come out of this country. Would it not have been lovely if this company takes a stance to use wholly made Ghanaian companies in their dealings?

How has this RLG company even given back to Ghana? Oh don't tell me about the five hundred thousand whatever they gave for Atta's funeral. That is purely a political stunt. Don't tell me about employment. How else were they expecting the products to be assembled, by robots? Oh and as for the laptop project, that is a government project, RLG is just a supplier and is making big bucks out of the project.

Now tell me, as a Ghanaian, is RLG proudly yours?

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