I have been struggling to come up with an appropriate post but still na da! Nothing! Writers block!! But anyway, I am here.
The wait is over, hubby is back. Maybe that is why I have been away for a while. But today, I have quite an interesting post.
In Africa, immediately you marry, everybody expects you to have a baby and if you don't have a bump to show off in 3 months, well, society has an unspoken way of making you feel inadequate or somehow, less as a woman.
Of late, people have been asking the hubby and myself when we are expecting. While that question is extremely annoying, it is wrong by all standards. What has our baby plans got to do with anything?
The value of marriage, in my opinion, has been reduced to childbearing. Many happy homes have been destroyed due to situations like this. I know a couple who started doubting their fertility when they had not made a baby after just 3 months of marriage.
I believe a child is a gift from God. It is the only time God and man work together to make a miracle. A child is a beautiful blessing and for those trying, keep your eyes on God. In due season, He will bless your home.
Don't let people steal your joy, keep your eyes on God and continue keeping the joy in your home. Stay focused, happy and blessed.